This is a reminder that PE testing is taking place tomorrow 3/7/14 at 1pm. If you cannot be there tomorrow, please come Monday 3/10/14 at 1pm.
For more details see below:
Aerobic Capacity
One-Mile Run. The goal of this test is to run and/or walk a distance of one mile at the fastest pace possible (please provide us with your student’s one mile time when you come on the 7th or the 10th).
Body Composition
BMI. Height and weight.
Abdominal Strength
Curl-up. This is the test option for abdominal strength. The objective of the curl-up (a modified sit-up), is to complete as many curl-ups as possible at a specific pace, up to a maximum of 75.
Trunk Extension
Trunk Lift. The goal of this test is to lift the upper body a maximum of 12 inches off the floor using the muscles of the back. Students hold this position long enough to allow for the measurement of the lift distance.
Upper Body Strength
Push-Ups. Students are asked to complete as many push-ups as possible at a specific pace.
Back Saver Sit and Reach. The goal of this task is to assess the flexibility of the lower back and posterior thigh. Using a special box designed for this test, students are asked to reach forward as far as possible and to the maximum distance of 12 inches. The actual reach distance is measured for both the right and left sides of the body.
Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Don’t forget to bring your time for the mile run. If you have questions, please contact your Charter Teacher.